Gerhard Kuchta: Was es so zu sagen und zu erzählen gibt ...
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Bitte um Nachsicht: Hier kann aus dem Mix meiner ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeit als Mietervertreter und gleichzeitig sonstigen Interessen, Reisen etc. eine oft ziemlich wilde Mischung entstehen.
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Hinzugefügt von Gerhard
Hinzugefügt von Gerhard
Hinzugefügt von Gerhard
Hinzugefügt von Gerhard
Hinzugefügt von Gerhard
About me:
(Click for more details - unfortunately only available in German)
Gerhard Kuchta, born on 20th of May 1955 in Vienna (Austria).
Still living in Vienna (Austria), citizen of Austria (European Union).
Father’s profession: Engineer (retired).
Mother’s profession: Accountant (died in June 2018).
One brother, born 1963: Self-employed Product-Consultant & Expert on Customs duty and Logistics.
Married for the second time.
2 daughters (born 1984, 1986).
1 stepdaughter (born 1980).
1 (step-)grandson.
Elementary school
Secondary school (general qualification for university entrance 1973)
Specific professional education
(Banking business, IT, Business organisation, Business English, Management and Leadership, Coaching, etc.)
German (native language)
English (Inlingua - Access to Professional English 2A)
Professional Life:
1973 – 1983 BAWAG (Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft AG, Vienna):
Internal Audit,
Business organisation (Office automation, Instructions),
IT-Project (from partly manual processing to Austrian-wide Real-time Online - responsible for the conception of Payment systems, Scanning and account statements. Supervising a successful implementation)
1983 – 1990 ÖVAG (Österreichische Volksbanken AG, Vienna):
Business organisation (mostly Office automation).
1990 – 2017 Bank Austria AG, Vienna - Business (and Payments) organisation:
Successfully supporting all needed measurements within important mergers: Länderbank – Zentralsparkasse – GiroCredit – Creditanstalt Bankverein – Hypovereinsbank – Uni Credit.
Working on redesigns for several Payment systems.
Deputy Manager of the Process Management and Controlling Department within the Bank Austria Payments Division.
Central coordinator for strategic developments in Payment systems. Representative of Bank Austria in national Payment committees.
Central coordinator for the changeover to the Euro-currency in Payment systems (including new message-standards like UN/EDIFACT), Accounting systems, Bookkeeping and Conversion/Rounding (concepts for Bank Austria and all Austrian banks).
Speaker of all Austrian Banks for that topic towards the European Commission, European Central Bank etc., lecturer within about 150 conferences, summits and other meetings.
Expert for the development of Payment systems within Bank Austria Retail Process Management.
Expert for technical implications of the EU-"Directive on Payment Services" (PSD) and for the "Single Euro(pean) Payments Area" (SEPA).
November 2008: Modification of my contract of employment. Formally still working for Bank Austria AG, but de facto retired from work ("Golden handshake" for streamlining reasons - on the one side being always appreciated, but on the other side also quite expensive and all along irritating / visionary)
1.6.2017: Retiree.
Voluntary work:
One of the speakers for the lodgers in Hugo Breitner Hof, one of the largest residential neighborhoods owned by the municipality of Vienna (biggest caretaker of Europe, as they say).
Founder and chairman of the Demokratische Alternative, a small and "very different" political party.
Politics – fighting for Human-, Civil- and Lodger-rights, in favour of Sustainability in Economy, Social systems, Environment and Politics.
Communication within several communities/Internet-platforms.
Developing concepts for different topics (e.g. an alternative Constitution for the European Union, Television-schemes) and (board-)games – also playing board games.
Video(-editing), Photo (e.g. Winner of the UniCredit Group-Photo-contest "2 years together").
Traveling (see also the Video- and Photo-section of that site).
Quiz (e.g. quite successful attendee of the Austrian “Millionaires Quiz”).
Keyboard, Music (interested in a wide range), Cinema, Theatre, Opera, Concerts, Musical, Cabaret.
Nordic walking, Skiing, Bowling, Archery, Air gun- and Air pistol-shooting, Minigolf, Badminton, Ping Pong, Tennis, etc.
The Curriculum vitae is also available in German!
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